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Will Kamala Harris face opposition as Biden’s chosen successor ???

Will Kamala Harris face opposition as Biden's chosen successor?
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With Joe Biden stepping down as the Democratic presidential candidate, the big question is who will succeed him. His vice president and running mate Kamala Harris has by far the best credentials, but it is up to the party leadership what happens next. Nearly every political commentator wondered: If Biden drops out of the race, will he endorse Harris? He did. In a post on X, he called his choice of her for vice president in 2020 “my best decision.” He also gave his “full support and endorsement to make Kamala our party’s nominee this year.”

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Table Of Content

  1. Avoiding the impression that the party elite is crowning a new candidate
  2. Possibly First Black and Asian American Female Presidential Candidate
  3. Harris has a clear lead over other candidates
  4. Harris has been about as popular as Biden in recent polls

“It is my intention to earn and win this nomination,” Harris said in a statement . “I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party, and unite our nation, to defeat Donald Trump.”

Will Kamala Harris face opposition as Biden's chosen successor?

Her boss’s support weighs heavily in Harris’ favor. After he withdrew as a candidate, many grateful Democrats lauded the president as a statesman of stature who chose the national interest at his own expense. The delegates Biden won in the primaries earlier this year will likely find it easier to shift their support to his number two.

Avoiding the impression that the party elite is crowning a new candidate

But that’s not true of all Democratic Party luminaries. Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House and one of the party’s most influential leaders, did not mention Harris’ name in her response to Biden’s withdrawal.

Speaking to fellow Democratic delegates from her home state of California on Friday , she voiced support for an “open nomination process” where Harris would have to prove herself. Pelosi would like to avoid the impression that the party elite is crowning a new candidate without giving the Democratic base a say.

In the coming days, the Democratic Party leadership will consider how to select Biden’s successor. In doing so, the leadership will also consider which other candidates from within the party want to take on Harris.

Possibly First Black and Asian American Female Presidential Candidate

Choosing Harris would be a historic gamble for Democrats. She would be the first black and Asian-American woman to run for the White House. The country has had one black president in more than 200 years, and never a woman. Harris is tasked with breaking through a thick glass ceiling: racism and misogyny can be a toxic combination.

Her gender and background could also be an advantage. Many black Americans feel that Biden has not done enough for them. They may be more enthusiastic about Harris. For example, at the beginning of their term, she advocated equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for minorities. For many black women in particular, one of the mainstays of the Democratic Party, the choice of another candidate could be seen as a slap in the face.

Will Kamala Harris face opposition as Biden's chosen successor?

In addition, the vice president has in recent years profiled herself as a fierce fighter for the right to abortion and other forms of birth control. This is an important election issue for many women and young people. In this, the vice president has come out better in recent years than her boss, who has more difficulty with the subject because of his strong Catholic faith.

At 59, Harris is nearly two decades younger than Republican candidate Trump. That could be to her advantage, given the large number of American voters who were unhappy about the choice between two elderly candidates.

The former prosecutor is also known as a sharp debater. Trump said shortly after Biden’s announcement that he thinks Harris would be even easier to beat than her boss. But if she becomes the nominee, the second presidential debate – penciled in for September – will likely be a bigger challenge for him.

Harris has a clear lead over other candidates

Another major advantage for Harris is that, as Biden’s former running mate, she can tap into the $91 million (more than 83 million euros) that his campaign has in cash. That rises to $240 million if campaign money from Democratic-affiliated organizations is included. Other potential candidates are unlikely to be able to simply take over all that money.

As vice president and former presidential candidate, Harris also has more national name recognition than other Democrats who have been mentioned in recent weeks as possible alternatives, such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

“While she has flaws and shortcomings, like everybody else, we know about them, and that allows you to have a clear campaign,” Jamal Simmons, a former Harris aide, recently told Reuters . “All the other candidates are complete strangers.”

Some of Harris’ weaknesses are indeed well-known. Her 2020 Democratic nomination campaign was short-lived, partly due to management problems within her campaign team. Early in her vice presidency, there was also a lot of turnover within her staff. On the two major files she was given, protecting the right to vote and curbing migration from Central America, she made little progress.

Harris has been about as popular as Biden in recent polls

In recent polls in which respondents weighed in on a potential Harris-Trump race, the vice president has done, on average, no significantly better or worse than Biden. That likely says little about the future course of the election race if Harris becomes the Democratic nominee.

The questions in question were about a hypothetical scenario. They mainly painted a national picture, in which the swing states – which are decisive in American presidential elections – were not always included.

In terms of overall popularity ratings, Harris is also roughly tied with Biden : 38.6 percent of voters have a positive opinion of her performance, compared with 38.5 percent for the president. Harris does appear to have more room to win people over, though. In a recent poll commissioned by the Associated Press, about 12 percent of respondents said they didn’t know her well enough to have an opinion. Virtually no one said the same about Biden. Will Kamala Harris face opposition as Biden’s chosen successor ???

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