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What Is PPC? The Definitive Guide to Pay-Per-Click Marketing

What Is PPC? The Definitive Guide to Pay-Per-Click Marketing
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Hi, imagine you have a business and don’t know how to increase sales?? Yes, it is one of the problems that you should face as a business owner but the good news is that you can increase your sales online and you can increase the turnover of your company.

I won’t explain how to create an ad on an advertising network but I will give you a few things that may be your little note to start an ad for your business. Okay, without spending a lot of time, let’s get started on this article. Read and grab a piece of paper and your pen and write down the things that are important to you in this article.


  1. What is PPC (pay per click)
  2. How PPC does work
  3. Why PPC very Important
  4. Pay per click Models
  5. Best Pay-Per-Click Platforms
  6. The benefits of using PPC

What is PPC (pay per click)

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher every time an advertisement link is “clicked” on. Alternatively, PPC is known as the cost-per-click (CPC) model. The pay-per-click model is offered primarily by search engines (e.g., Google) and social networks (e.g., Facebook). Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads are the most popular platforms for PPC advertising.

How PPC does work

Advertisers place ads on an advertising network and they will pay every time an ad is clicked and then the publishers also sign up on the publisher network where they will place ads from the advertiser network and then they will get visitors from the ads that are clicked and the publishers will get a certain amount of money from each ad that is clicked and of course this also includes a deduction of the publisher network fee.

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Why PPC very Important

PPC is very important for advertisers because it is to speed up their business. Yes, advertisers need ads to be able to increase sales while publishers are people who own content or websites and in those websites or content they have ads as a source of their income. This is the Highly profitable business model. Advertisers benefit from the amount of traffic that comes while publishers benefit from every ad that visitors click on, of course, this is very profitable.

Pay-Per-Click Models

There are two PPC models that I know of and for an explanation please read below.

  1. Flat-rate model
    In the flat rate pay-per-click model, an advertiser pays a publisher a fixed fee for each click. Publishers generally keep a list of different PPC rates that apply to different areas of their website. Note that publishers are generally open to negotiations regarding the price. A publisher is very likely to lower the fixed price if an advertiser offers a long-term or a high-value contract.
  2. Bid-based model
    In the bid-based model, each advertiser makes a bid with a maximum amount of money they are willing to pay for an advertising spot. Then, a publisher undertakes an auction using automated tools. An auction is run whenever a visitor triggers the ad spot.

Note that the winner of an auction is generally determined by the rank, not the total amount, of money offered. The rank considers both the amount of money offered and the quality of the content offered by an advertiser. Thus, the relevance of the content is as important as the bid.

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Best Pay-Per-Click Platforms

There are so many PPC sites that you can use, but from some of these things, I can only recommend a few, with that you need to know the reason behind all this.

Reason #1: The number of users and visitors to the site aka the site is already popular
Reason #2: The price of the advertisement may match the contents of your wallet.
Reason #3: Regulations and systems that allow it to ease advertisers

Here are some pay per click networks that you can use

  1. Google ads
  2. Facebook ads
  3. Twitter ads or ads
  4. Pinterest ads
  5. Medium ads
  6. Tumblr ads

I will not explain how to use the ad network that I recommend above but the most important thing is that when you use an ad network then you must understand the following:

  1. Who is your target market
  2. Where They Live
  3. Use keywords that are relevant to the target market and the location of the target market.
  4. Use the one-to-ten formula meaning if the money for advertising on your wallet is one hundred dollars then make sure you advertise only ten dollars for a keyword.
  5. Test and see the results. No advertisement is one hundred percent successful and produces sales conversions but it’s a good idea to try by adjusting some of the things above.

The benefits of using PPC

I have explained some of the benefits above. I’m sure you understand about this but there are a few things I want to share in this section including;

  1. Make sure you have a business before because you want to be very important. Online advertising is a way in this day and age to bring in visitors and make purchases from them. This looks pretty easy but in reality it becomes very difficult. If you don’t understand how to run an advertisement, it will look like a waste of your time, energy, and energy.
  2. If you are looking for an alternative to PPC is SEO search engine optimization is a technique that you may be able to learn to improve your business in the real world then make sure you have a business and a site that then learns how you manage your site and get traffic or visitor traffic so that a sale occurs.
  3. If you don’t have time for all the things you need to do in the online world, then digital marketing services are an effective strategy for you. Simply look for an online marketing agency and then you hand over your online work to them but before that happens make sure you read the letter of agreement or the rules that have been implemented by them. Don’t let you feel disappointed when a site is built and you don’t have access to your site or the fees that need to be spent are very expensive.

Thus the article What Is PPC? The Definitive Guide to Pay-Per-Click Marketing I wrote and hopefully it will help you when you have a website or business that you are doing or will be doing.

The best regard : Admin [azis zaenal akbar] – sukabumi

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