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What Is Digital Advertising? Definition, Types, and Examples

Digital Advertising
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Hi, a lot of people talk about digital advertising. Did you hear it?? Of course I’m sure you’ve heard it, especially if you’re a business owner who wants to expand your market share or reach more consumers. There are several things that you need to pay attention to when doing digital advertising and here is What Is Digital Advertising? Definition, Types, and Examples. Without wastes a lot of time, let’s get started.

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Table Of Content

  1. What is digital advertising ?
  2. Types and Example Of Digital Marketing ?
  3. What are the most important things about digital advertisement?

What is digital advertising?

Digital advertising refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or brands through various online channels and platforms. It encompasses a wide range of advertising techniques that leverage digital technology to reach and engage with target audiences. Some common forms of digital advertising include display ads, video ads, social media ads, search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, and native advertising.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising offers several advantages over traditional forms of advertising, such as the ability to target specific audiences more precisely, track and measure campaign performance in real-time, and adjust strategies quickly based on data and insights. Additionally, digital advertising allows for more personalized and interactive experiences for consumers, which can lead to higher levels of engagement and conversion.

Overall, digital advertising plays a crucial role in today’s marketing landscape, helping businesses connect with their target customers in a more targeted and measurable way across various digital platforms and devices.

Types and Example Of Digital Marketing ?

Display Advertisements
Display advertising is the most basic type of digital advertising and consists primarily of images and text. These are typically displayed on websites and blogs as banners, landing pages, popups, or flash ads. The primary distinction between display ads and other types is that display ads do not appear in search results. Display ads are typically inexpensive and simple to implement.

Native Advertisement
Native advertising is similar to display advertising; however, when it comes to placement and audience targeting, it is more strategic and intentional. They have sponsored listings that have been integrated and hidden within the feed. Native advertising is classified into four types: in-feed (as seen above), search ads, recommendation widgets, and promoted listings. Native advertising is based on the audience’s online habits and history, and it will display ads that are potentially relevant to them.

Digital Advertising

Video advertisements
Video ads are the simplest type of digital advertising because they are exactly what they sound like. It is simply a video that promotes a company or product in some way. Video ads on YouTube, Hulu, or Facebook can appear as commercial-style ad before watching other videos, or they can be integrated as native or display ads. The preceding examples are a smartphone ad before watching a YouTube video and a Facebook video native ad.

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Because it is based on keywords that users are already searching for, search engine marketing is perhaps the most dependable type of digital advertising. Pay-per-click (PPC) and search engine optimization are the two main types of SEM (SEO). Google and Bing are two of the most popular SEM platforms. Despite the fact that search engines can return thousands of results, 90% of users will stop their search on the first page. That is why it is critical to use SEM and strategize to ensure that your listing appears on the first couple of pages.

What are the most important things about digital advertisement?

Digital advertisement is more about personal story telling that is both captivating and intriguing; whilst not forgetting your marketing goals at the center of your advertisement. When you talk about the most important things about digital advertisements, then I will say you should consider four factors, all of which I am going to explain further. The four are:

  1. Your market/target audience
  2. Your brand(Or the brand you are advertising)
  3. Your advertisement materials/contents ; and lastly,
  4. Platform(s) you would be running the ads on. (They are digital platforms, anyways, but each platform has its own scope)

Let’s get the four factors clearly.

Your target market/audience: This is actually the first issue to consider because your target audience are who determines whether your Creatives are successful or not; no matter how much you have spent in creating them. So, by target audience, I mean a careful look about who they are, what they do(at a particular time or another on the platforms you want to use; including what time they do what they do the most on these platforms),which platform(s) they use the most, to more issues about what turns them on. For instance, millennials find emojis as part of story telling, but aspirational see them as unserious cartoons/images.

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So, many of these issues are what you would be looking at in doing a quick analysis of your target market. We call this quick analysis ‘demography’. It is more about dividing your own particular set of audience away from the crowd. If you can get this right, and the rest factors, then your digital advertisement would easily become the next best thing after ice cream (It would really go viral and ultimately help you achieve your marketing goals easily)

Your brand(Or the brand you are promoting): If you are managing for a brand as an agency, then you need to know in-depth details about the brand you wish to promote. However, if you are already part of the brand, then you have just done 50% of the job in this section. Then what you need to do is to define which digital platforms and tools suit you better. For instance, digital platforms could either be any or all of social media platforms, search engine platforms, e-mail platforms, or even blogs/websites.

After deciding which platform(s) you would be playing on, then check the different tools available in each platform and check if any would be ideal to tell your story like no other. For instance, in social media platforms, Facebook might be your brand’s forte or Twitter or Instagram. It could be all of these, too. But hey, It is advisable NOT to overdo all of it. One would be okay, but three at most should get your footing in the right path if you are a big brand. Just take a look at the demography of your audience
represented on each platform and choose the best for you.

Advertisement materials/Contents: This could be images, videos, or even texts. It could also be a combination of all three. In understanding your audience, you would know what kind of visuals interest them and ignites them to perform an action or react to your story telling.

That is all you need to succeed in your digital advertisement: your audience’s action or reaction to your campaigns. And watch every of those actions. You would be needed to ‘change narratives’ and drop less effective visuals or campaigns for more effective ones. Know which kind of content your audience feel cool with. (A little light on this: Watch your competition’s creatives and see the ones they are effective and the ones that are not.

Understand why one is more effective than the other and use your result to curate your own content to what your audience would feel cool with) And lastly, the platforms you would be using. Well, I explained this in the second factor. And more importantly, read about each of these digital platforms to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Know which ones will help you tell your story more efficiently with less ad spend and continue to try different methods to see which ones help you get your word out to the market in the shortest possible time.

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