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Party members expect Biden to drop nomination soon

Party members expect Biden to drop nomination soon
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U.S. President Joe Biden is said to be starting to accept that he may not be able to win the November election. He may have to give up his candidacy. The New York Times wrote this based on conversations with four close associates of the president, who wished to remain anonymous.

According to one of the sources, the president has not yet made a decision, but according to the second, “reality is starting to seep in”. So, it is not surprising that Biden made an announcement in the near future and recommended Vice President Kamala Harris as his deputy.

Four presidential aides described the situation as very sensitive. Biden himself has covid and is living in isolation at his vacation home in the state of Delaware.

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Meanwhile, 21 members of Congress from the Democratic Party have publicly pushed for Biden’s departure as a candidate “and many more personally,” the newspaper reported. Earlier today, it was announced that former President Barack Obama also thinks that Biden should seriously ask himself if his position is still defensible.

Biden’s candidacy has been questionable since he made a poor appearance in a debate with his Republican opponent Donald Trump on June 27.

Party members expect Biden to drop nomination soon

According to the American news website Axios, members of the leading party expect President Biden to submit his candidacy for the presidential election next weekend.

The unnamed party member said that Biden himself has also come to the conclusion that there is no point in continuing the campaign, as he is far behind his rival Trump in the polls. Sources close to the president reported similar voices to The New York Times.

Biden is also said to have been warned that he and the Democratic candidate for Congress will be annihilated if he does not step down. A poll by the AP news agency showed yesterday that two-thirds of his party’s members now want Biden to make way for other candidates.

According to Axios, personal friends and donors also expect the election to end in a debacle if Biden sticks to his candidacy. “I pray he makes the right choice,” one of his friends is said to have confided to Axios.
Guesswork based on nothing

Biden’s campaign team contradicts the reporting. “Joe Biden has been nominated by the party. He is the president of the United States, and he is campaigning for re-election. Guesswork based on nothing is not news,” writes a member of the campaign team on X.

According to The Washington Post, former President Obama, who still has a lot of authority within the Democratic Party, has also lost confidence in Biden. After a disastrous debate with Trump for Biden, he continued to support the president. “This election remains a choice between someone who has been fighting for the common man all his life and someone who only cares about himself,” he said at the time.

In the Democratic rank-and-file, the protest against Joe Biden is growing. More and more members of Congress want the president to make way for another candidate. Among the doubters is also Barack Obama, under whom Biden served as vice president. According to The New York Times, Biden himself is beginning to accept that he can no longer win the November election.

Historically, black votes almost always go to the Democratic Party, but there are signs that this traditional alliance is shifting. More and more black voters are considering their support for former President Donald Trump.

In the American city of Milwaukee in the state of Wisconsin, it has been crawling with characteristic red caps with the text: Make America Great Again. The Republican convention has been in full swing all week and ends today. It attracts tens of thousands of Republican voters, politicians and celebrities.
Politics in the barber’s chair

Just a few kilometers from that convention is the Bronzeville district, in the north of the city. Almost exclusively black Americans live here. In the past, the residents here had nothing to do with the Republicans, but that is slowly but surely starting to change.

To understand why, let’s visit several barbershops in the city. While you may not immediately associate the barber with politics, it plays an essential role in Milwaukee in the run-up to the presidential election. Barbershops function as community centers where people gather to talk about all kinds of topics, including politics.

Fewer votes for Biden

“I’m going to vote for Biden myself, but I don’t know if he’s going to make it,” said Gaulien Smith, the owner of Gee’s Clippers. In his shop, politicians come by to speak and he actively calls on his customers to vote.

In the last election, 92 percent of all black Americans voted for the Democrats, but according to the latest polls, only 80 percent of them remain. Biden can’t spare that many votes. Certainly not in a swing state like Wisconsin, where the last election came down to a difference of 20,000 votes.

Disappointment in Democrats

The biggest concerns are about inflation, high prices and the small number of well-paid jobs. One of Smith’s employees can no longer make ends meet and is forced to live with her parents. “You used to get an apartment for $800, now it’s $2,000. How can people pay their bills if they’re still paid the same minimum wage?” says employee Winona Gardner.

Party members expect Biden to drop nomination soon

It is not so much the appeal of Donald Trump that makes black voters hesitate, but the disappointment in Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. “Joe Biden has promised a lot in recent years that he hasn’t delivered. At least Trump delivers,” said Lorenzo Davis, owner of another barbershop, admonished Zoe’s Barber Elite. “Everyone I know is going to vote for Trump. Really,” adds one of his hairdressers.
Black Men Vote

The organization Black Men Vote tries to get as many black men as possible to the polls. They, too, have seen a striking number of Trump supporters lately, but still expect most black Americans to continue to support Biden.

“It’s a different balance,” says Percy Eddie of the organization. “A lot of black people now support Trump, but I think a lot of them still support what the Democratic Party has historically been.” Their voice will play a major role in the next 3 months, he thinks.

Rappers and models in Trump’s campaign

But the Republicans also realize all too well that the vote of the black voter does not automatically go to Joe Biden and are responding to this.

At the convention, it is remarkably often about the vote of the black voter, a group that is also frequently given the stage to explain why Donald Trump is their favorite candidate. And black voters also play an important role in the Republican campaign. In recent months, Trump’s campaign has garnered public support from black celebrities: from rappers and hip-hoppers to models.

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