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What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much ?

Mobile Marketing
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What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much. Have you ever heard of it. If you haven’t, then you’re in the right place because in this article I’m going to review mobile marketing and anything related to it. I feel very happy to write about this and share it with you. Hopefully you also feel the same way. Okay, without spending a lot of time, let’s start with What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?

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Table Of Content

  1. What is mobile marketing? How does it help ?
  2. Why is Mobile App Marketing Necessary ?
  3. How is mobile marketing effective ?
  4. What are the next big things in mobile marketing ?

What is mobile marketing? How does it help?

In today’s world, we are highly dependent on mobile apps to procure services. Do you want to order food? Order it from the food ordering app. Want to book a ride? Choose from the various cab service apps. There isn’t anything that can’t be accomplished through mobile apps. Mobile apps are not only limited to lifestyle services but also expand to medical services and even education.

Why is Mobile App Marketing Necessary?

The scope of mobile app marketing is vast. Think about it this way; you decided to design a fully functional app that lets the user decide where they would like to go for a vacation and how much it will cost. The app runs smoothly, and the user interface is quite engaging and easy to navigate. But wait, how will your app stand out among the sea of apps in the app store?

This is where the importance of mobile app marketing comes into play. The competition among the app developers and companies has increased manifold to provide the best services and build a loyal customer base. Most companies and app developers start marketing their apps while they are in the nascent stage of development.

But your mobile app marketing does not end there; it actually starts from there. After creating a buzz among the potential users, you want to make sure they will install the app, use it, and maybe even review it and give good ratings. The importance of mobile app marketing even continues after the app has been launched; however, the marketing strategy changes. For this, a well-thought marketing strategy needs to be laid out while the app is still in the early stages of development.

Wondering why mobile app marketing needs to follow a specific strategy? The importance of mobile app marketing lies in the way it is marketed across different platforms. When designing an app, it is crucial to make sure that it is not restricted to only one platform unless that is what you are aiming for. Making your apps compatible with different platforms helps in increasing app visibility and usage.

While designing the mobile app marketing strategy, it is crucial to follow certain aspects to ensure you are getting what you are aiming for.

Engage the Influencers
When influencers run social media in this age, it is a wise strategy to get them involved. Influencers promoting your mobile app can give it much-needed traction and visibility. You can do it after the app has been launched, and people can instantly download it and start using it.

The Right Social Media Engagement
Believe it or not, social media plays a massive part in advertising your product. Gone are the days when marketing was only limited to newspapers and hoardings. To market the product right, you must use the power of social media to increase visibility and target potential customers. This is highly helpful as it gives insight and makes sure that the potential users are still looking forward to the app as, generally, the mobile app marketing starts while the app is still in development.

Optimise it for Different Platforms
It is a good practice to design the app for different platforms. Every platform has different ways of using keywords, and it is necessary to take advantage of those and optimise it accordingly. It is also necessary to pay attention to the little details like the app logo and the description content.

Don’t Forget the Old School Marketing
Places to market your mobile app might have changed, but nothing can ever question the power of print media marketing and putting banners across the city. They are hard to avoid and are easily reachable to people who might not be active on social media. It is necessary that you plan a strategy for print media marketing.

Right Category for the App Listing
This part is crucial for the app listing. Suppose your app is an e-commerce app; hence it should be under the shopping category. Listing your app under another category like lifestyle or gaming will hurt its visibility.

App Pricing
When you design an app that you aim to make available for everyone, then pricing is something that one should give a lot of thought. It is better to go for reasonable pricing so that people would be willing to pay for it. You can also offer your users a free trial, so they can use all the features before they purchase.

How is mobile marketing effective?

Mobile Marketing works such that people work to obtain the best visibility against all of the competitors in the app store. There are many different strategies to obtaining the best visibility. One could advertise the application, or even pay to have users use the application. There are some really good steps one can take before jumping into the high cost advertising world, that go hand in hand with the initial setup of the app.

What I am talking about is App Store Optimization. (ASO) This is the practice of ensuring that your app is listed in the best way possibly in the app store. This means description, title, icons, and screenshots all optimized for your app to ensure the most traffic possible. This ensures that when someone searches for your app, they are most likely to download and use it

What are the next big things in mobile marketing?

I would say that for a B2C business a good mobile-based loyalty program / CRM that not only tracks purchases and rewards, but also allows a business to keep track of their customer contact information, with the ability to send customized offers based on transaction history or other criteria, is something we should see mainstream (not just the big brands, but any mom-n-pop shop).

The big issue with mobile marketing seems to be the consumer resistance (our need to weed out noise, and privacy concerns). Geo fencing may be too intrusive, SMS turned out to be too invasive for promotions, apps – most of us have less than 10 apps that we use on a regular basis. The common pitch about mobile marketing is that we have our smartphones with us 24/7. But many marketers forget that we don’t want to be flooded, spammed or stalked 24/7 just because the technology allows it.

Figuring out the optimal bridge between what technology can do and consumer willingness and comfort levels, and turning it into a standard that marketers can refer to, is something that would be very useful.

In conclusion, the importance of mobile app marketing cannot be overlooked. As the world progresses, with almost everything available with just a finger tap on phones, it is highly important that mobile apps are marketed the right way to reach a wider audience. To answer why mobile app marketing is necessary, this is simply because it helps the companies and developers understand what their users want and deliver an app that fulfils their needs.

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