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How to Make Money online with Sending Emails Marketing and get $2000 per month (Practical Guide)

How to Make Money online with Sending Emails and get $2000 per month (Practical Guide)
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Let’s say you have a list of 1000 email addresses And you sell a product for just ten dollars And your conversion rate is only one percent. You can simply earn a hundred dollars in a few minutes by sending a single email. Now let’s imagine that you have 100,000 email addresses on your list. The price of your products is fifty dollars or one hundred dollars And your conversion rate is around two to three percent. Imagine the number you can get by sending an email marketing campaign. Today in this course I will show you how to make money step by step through emails. Think of it as the ultimate guide to email marketing Some people think emails are dead today in 2022. Simple answer is the best marketing strategy. To get more visitors and grow your business And to earn more money online. keep reading.

Hello everyone, I’m admin And you are reading the next part of our wonderful new series. Create an online business from scratch with me. To get to 2000 per month. If you follow along, you know that we built our website and learned a lot About getting visitors, writing blog posts, and more. Today you will see how we can harness the power of emails to grow our business. Earn money online and get more visits to our website. This is my website I built with you smartoobiz.com. before wasting time let’s go keep reading.

Read More : The Ultimate Guide To Social Media Marketing For Beginners

See More : https://heylink.me/sabrina-zahira

Table Of Content

  1. What is Email Marketing?
  2. Types of Email Marketers?
  3. Email Marketing System Structure
  4. What is SMTP Server ??
  5. What is SPF ??
  6. What is IP Rotation ??
  7. What is server rotation ??
  8. What is IP warming up ??
  9. What is DKIM ??
  10. What is DMARC ??
  11. What Is the Best Email Marketing Service?
  12. Lead Magnet Tutorial
  13. How to collect emails ??
  14. How to sending E-mail ???
  15. Write the Perfect Email
  16. Email Validation
  17. Why is Email Verification Important?
  18. Tips Secret to Increase Open and Click Rates in Email Marketing
  19. Make Money With Emails. (Must Watch)

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a way and channel marketing to send information related to a product. The products here can be in the form of physical goods or online and physical services. Sending marketing e-mails isn’t as easy as contacting someone. There are a few things that you should know and master as a marketer and you should understand about this.

Types of Email Marketers?

  1. Spammer
    They send a lot of E-mails randomly and irregularly. They don’t know the methods and strategies that a marketer should master when selling a product. their thoughts are always about how many E-malls I can send and how much commission I will get. The type of spammer does not care about ethics and procedures in conducting an e-mail campaign. They also don’t care who receives the e-mails so many of the e-mails they send end up in the e-mall client’s spam folder.
  2. Professional E-mailers
    They are usually experienced people and have a code of ethics in a sale. They also consider who will receive the e-mail and what the problem and solution need from the client. Professional e-mailers have a certain starting point in sending an e-mail. They are more narcotic and the good news for you is that you will learn them in this article.

Email Marketing System Structure

There is a standard structure for emails that marketers use to increase the effectiveness of their message. The structure includes a header, body, and footer. The header is the most important part of the email because it contains the subject line.

What is SMTP Server ??

A server that connects the client with the sender of the e-mail. It’s like hosting on a Word Press website and only the terms are different.

What is SPF ??

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email authentication standard that helps protect senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing. By adding an SPF record to your Domain Name System (DNS), you can provide a public list of senders that are approved to send email from your domain

What is IP Rotation ??

IP Rotation is a technique used in networking and web scraping where the IP address of a client is frequently changed to prevent detection and avoid IP blocking by servers.

What is server rotation ??

A method of randomizing a server on an internet network. By doing this, it can be ensured that an e-mail has the opportunity to reach an inbox and moreover, the server will also change following this method.

What is IP warming up ??

IP warming is the practice of gradually increasing the volume of mail sent with a dedicated IP address according to a predetermined schedule. This gradual process helps to establish a reputation with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as a legitimate email sender.

What is DKIM ??

DKIM, or Domain Keys Identified Mail, is an email authentication method that uses a digital signature to let the receiver of an email know that the message was sent and authorized by the owner of a domain.

What is DMARC Setup ??

DMARC setup is also the best way for businesses to protect their emails from illegitimate usage and cyber attacks. DMARC is built upon two other authentication protocols: One is SPF (Sender Policy Framework), and another is DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)

What Is the Best Email Marketing Service?

I don’t have any recommendations on a good e-mail service provider but I do have a list of services that you can use to choose an e-mail marketing service and here is a list.

  1. activecampaign.com, 2. constantcontact.com, 3. glocksoft.com, 4. aweber.com, 5. woodpecker.co, 6. gmass.co
  2. hunter.io, 8. debounce.io, 9. moosend.com, 10. brevo.com, 11. getresponse.com, 12. convertkit.com
  3. sendgrid.com, 14. theeventscalendar.com

From some of the lists above you can try and experience for yourself and compare yourself with all the services on the list.

Lead Magnet Tutorial

A lead magnet is something that you offer or you give to others in exchange for you getting an e-mail from them. Lead magnets can be anything and here are some examples of lead magnets that you can give to others.

  1. E – book, 2. Trial, 3. Webinar, 4. Audio book, 5. Voucher, 6. Email course, 7. Template
  2. Infographic, 9. Blog, 10. Landing Page, 11. Quiz / Assessment, 12. Check List, 13. Tool kit
  3. Survey, 15. Game, 16. Report, 17. Case study, 18. Data Studies

How to collect emails

There are several ways that you can use to collect e-mails and here are the ways that you can use and use to collect e-mails.

  1. Ads
  2. Buy
  3. Google Dork
  4. Form Option
  5. Landing Page

Some of the methods above have paid ways and there are free ways. Using ads and buying an e-mail list is a paid way that you can use but you also have to be careful when you buy an e-mail list. It could be that the e-mail list you purchased is a zombie e-mall or an e-mall with inactive users.

If you have a free way you can use the Google dork method, Form option and landing page. systme.io is a website that I can recommend to you because this website has a free offer feature for you if you use google dork then here is the google dork formula that you can use.

  1. “keyword” “@gmail.com”
  2. keyword “@gmail.com” OR “yahoo.com”
  3. keyword “@gmail.com” OR “yahoo.com” OR “domain.com”
  4. business “@gmail.com” New York
  5. business “@gmail.com” site:facebook.com
  6. “@domain.com”

How to sending E-mail ???

  1. Create lead magnet : Free E-book (use PLR)
  2. Create Landing Page : Systeme.io
  3. Collect emails
  4. Sending e-mail :
  5. Track and analyze

Write the Perfect Email

  1. Hook
  2. Prove
  3. Story
  4. Offer
  5. Call to Action
  6. Conclusion

Email Validation

Email Validation is a procedure that verifies if an email address is deliverable and valid. It runs a swift process that catches any syntax errors. It also confirms if a particular email address exists with a reliable domain such as Gmail or Outlook. This not only helps in organizing and cleaning your list of email addresses but also helps in protecting your email sender score, maximizing the efficiency of your email program.

Email Validation Process has mainly 4 phases or steps:
1- Syntax Validation
2- Domain Existence
3- MX record or mail server existence.
4- Mailbox or Email Verification.

Why is Email Verification Important?

Most Websites have their option forms that visitors need to fill in. During this fill-up process, users may, intentionally and evidently, enter wrong email addresses. By accepting them, your email list will be filled up with inaccurate and undeliverable email addresses.

Tips Secret to Increase Open and Click Rates in Email Marketing

  1. E – mail scraping
  2. E – Mail Validation
  3. Send Bulk E-Mail
  4. Warming – Up your E -mail Or Server
  5. E-mail testing
  6. Test Subject Line Score
  7. Check If your Emails will Land in Spam, Inbox, or Promotions
  8. Check Your Sending Score
  9. Send To Your Self
  10. Write the perfect body and call to action.

Make Money With Emails. (Must Watch)

  1. Promote Affiliate Link with cold E – Mails
  2. Promote Your Gigs with cold E – Mail
  3. Selling your E – mail list
  4. Give Away
  5. Paid subscribe
  6. News letter ads

Ok. The article that I wrote and I published hopefully will be an insight for you and you also always visit our site smartoobiz.com to get other knowledge about the internet and make money online. warm error from the admin. we understand your problem and we provide the solution.

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