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5 Things you should know about SEO with Practical Guide

5 Things you should know about SEO with Practical Guide
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Hey. have you ever heard of the word SEO?? yes. A technique that is often a hot topic when you act as a publisher of a website. This is very unique because this technique is closely related to the website you manage.

We all know that search engine optimization is a technique for a website that you can use so that the website becomes search engine friendly. SEO is also known as Search Engine Optimization which means distributed engine optimization for a website. Okay without spending a lot of time let’s get started. 7 Things you should know about SEO with Practical Guide and deep research with my experience.

Table Of Content

  1. General Search Engine Optimization
  2. Keyword Research
  3. On Page Search Engine Optimization
  4. Link Building
  5. Technical Search Engine Optimization

General Search Engine Optimization

Before we discuss SEO more deeply and further, you need to understand that SEO has some general views about SEO, this I explain in this section. Some of the things that you need to master in general when you talk about SEO are as follows.

  1. What is Search Engine
  2. How Search Engines Work
  3. How search engines build their indexes
  4. How search engines rank pages
  5. How search engines personalize results
  6. What is Search engine Optimization
  7. Why is SEO important?
  8. What are the benefits of SEO?
  9. How do you do SEO?
  10. SEO fundamentals
  11. Setting up for SEO success
  12. Getting on Google
  13. How to track SEO success

What is Search Engine ???

Search engines are a series of software-based programs that work to search and identify data on the internet then render and index. Search engines also look for information relevant to user requests based on hyperlinks Or that is commonly known as permalink. so that users have relevant information and this is very important closely related to the user experience of search engines.

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How Search Engines Work ???

In general, search engines move according to their search engine algorithms and moreover search engines can
browse every content or website on the internet. It is used for a better user experience and here are the stages of how search engines perform the crawling process on the internet.

  1. Crawl. Search engines use programs called spiders, bots, or crawlers to surf the internet.
  2. Processing and rendering. This is the stage where search engines work and do their job to search for more information on the internet. almost similar to search engine search terms, only at this stage the search engine extracts every URL found and then will continue to the next stage, namely Indexing.
  3. Indexing. Search engines will try to understand and categorize the content on a web page through ‘keywords’
  4. Ranking. Search results are ranked based on a number of factors.

How search engines build their indexes

As I said above, search engines do that, but the purchase is not clear, I will give you a picture to better understand the process of search engine performance.

You can see the flow of the search engine performance process in the image above that I have given and you can also see that there is a repetition before the index process and that repetition is a core of the search engine performance every second.

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How search engines rank pages

No one knows exactly how a search engine ranks a website or a page of a website as it is closely related to the credibility of a search engine company but there are some things such as a general clue for those who want to know how a search engine ranks and here is a list.

  1. The meaning of your query
  2. Content relevance
  3. Content quality
  4. Usability of website pages
  5. Context and settings

How search engines personalize results

If we talk about search results then we are also indirectly talking about ranking a site page on the internet and I have shared it above. Search results are related to the relevance and meaning of a keyword you write in search engines and usually search engines will also see the context of the keyword you wrote. Honestly some search engine related sites have revealed there are more than a hundred search result factors and in addition back links are being a search engine indicator to give a chance of more search engine results on a site. However, user experience is also a strong foundation of how search engines provide opportunities for search results on page one of search engines. If you are confused about back links then keep reading because I will discuss it in the link building section.

What is Search engine Optimization

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, SEO means the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in Google, Microsoft Bing, and other search engines whenever people search for: Products you sell and Services you provide so they can see and find your site.

Why is SEO Very important?

To be honest I have to say this is very important because your site will only be discoverable through search engines and the fact is that you have to understand this as a website owner. The goal is for your site’s pages to be discoverable by search engines. Learning about SEO is exhausting and you need a small note to write down what you have found and understood in this field. SEO has become very unique and interesting for a website owner to discuss but the good news is that in this article I share it briefly and why don’t you try to take a piece of paper and write down what you find in this article. So keep reading and you’ll find SEO that has never been discussed anywhere. Write down what you find and make a small SEO note for yourself.

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What are the benefits of SEO ???

There are so many SEO benefits therefore you need to know them and here is a list of SEO benefits that I can provide you with.

  1. Improved user experience and improves credibility
  2. Amplifies PPC success and Higher Search Engine Rankings
  3. No spending on ads in seo and Targeted audience reach
  4. Builds credibility and Brings organic traffic to your website
  5. Increased Brand Awareness and Better User Experience SEO
  6. Increased Visibility and ROI
  7. SEO provides you great insights and More organic traffic

How do you do SEO?

In the world of SEO there are several stages that you have to do in general and if I make everything in the form of a checklist then I feel it will be twice as long as what it should be and here is how you should do SEO.

  1. Pick A niche market
  2. Create Website or blog
  3. Keyword reserach
  4. On – Page SEO
  5. Link Building
  6. Technical SEO

Honestly, if you are serious about the field of SEO then the discussion is not enough here and this article is opening ways for you to get into the discussion of SEO. And some of the steps above will be the main discussion in this article. So, keep reading and you will find what I mean.

SEO Fundamentals

There are several foundations that you need to know when you are doing SEO. This part is very rarely discussed by SEO experts, only those who understand SEO very well, then they will talk about this to you and here is about the basics of SEO that you should know as a basis when you are doing SEO.

  1. Audience Persona
  2. Search query
  3. Search intent
  4. Content
  5. Link building

You can’t create any content before you know your audience persona. If you have ever heard the word create a website specifically for your niche then it is actually to create a branding effect in your audience’s head so that they remember about you. If you’ve heard of it, create a website for your audience and don’t create a website for search engines. Yes, it is important for you to be able to focus on your audience’s mind. Find out what your audience is having and write down what is the solution to all of these problems. This is an important part of content creation and planning and regarding link building I will discuss it in the next section below. Keep reading and writing down any ideas you find from this article of mine.

Audience persona tells about the problem and solution they are experiencing then the search query tells about what words they type on the search engine and for search intent is what type of content they are looking for and here is a picture about search intent.

You can see above about search intent and next is content. There are several things you should know about content, especially in writing content and link building.

Content Planning and Content Writing

Content Planning is talking about you plan the content for one years. maybe 1 post per week or 1 post per month. I don’t recommended when you post every single day. why ?? simply because that’s will be make you struggle with your website and SEO. just plan maybe 1 week per post or 3 post per month but you have to build very good piece a content. so how I create good piece a content ??? simply, just write down with outline on content writing. now here I’m how to write the content. just follow this structure outline.

  1. Headline or title : If you use word press as a content management system. just write headline or title with H1 tag.
  2. Introduction : Make sure you have copy writing in here. the copy writing formula : Hook + Prove + Target keyword
  3. Table Of Content : You see this article. I have Table of content for this article and the reason is when you write down the article. your subject never messy and keep focus on your topic.
  4. Multiple sub heading : You have to multiple subheading with that one the people will be understand what they read and this strategy for SEO and User experience. In SEO that’s call content depth and readability.
  5. Conclusion : make sure you have call to action with this section + conclusion what do you talking about on your content. This make people and better good on SEO.
  6. Tips : you can use every section on article for call to action. maybe among multiple sub heading or the conclusion or the end of part your content.

How about Link building ???

In this section I can’t talk to much because I have special section in the last article to talk about link building. so keep reading and write down on your paper. what idea you get from this article.

Setting up for SEO success

Ini seperti anda membuat sebuah website dari awal namun saya akan memberikan beberapa cek list untuk anda lakukan sebagai seorang pemilik website untuk melakukan SEO.

  1. Get a good domain
  2. Use a website platform
  3. Use a good web host
  4. Create a positive user experience
  5. Use a logical URL structure
  6. Install an SEO plugin

Pay attention to the domain name and look for a domain name that is easy to remember, then decide what website platform you will use and adjust the hosting to your destination country. If you are creating a website with an American destination then use hosting that is located in the US but if you live in the US and aim to create a website for a European country then use European country hosting.

Make sure you create useful content and the speed of the website and the structure of the website is simple and fresh. It relates to user experience and you can see many sites implementing this. Then use the incoming URL structure to prevent your internal links from going out of the category.

In my website I only use one category. Honestly, it makes it easier for me to manage a site. If you are using the WordPress platform then make sure you install some plugins that you need. such as yoast SEO, wordfence, Akismet, Contact form 7 and many more.

Getting on Google

Just follow two things Finding or creating a sitemap and Submitting your sitemap Go to google search console and put this code into site map section

  1. site.com/sitemap.xml
  2. site.com/sitemap_index.xml

I think that’s very easy to do by your self. just put that code after your domain name and click okay.

How to track SEO success

In SEO so many matrix available over there but if you confused to track SEO goal so just follow this matrix and you will get the result to track SEO success.

  1. Organic traffic
  2. Keyword rankings
  3. Visibility

You can check on Google search console and get the result. and now we move on to section number two is keyword research. so stay keep reading.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most important part of SEO. this is related to competition on the Search Engine Result Page. Of course, there are several techniques or methods that you can use to do keyword research and here’s.

Method number #1: Use a keyword research tool.

This method is the most commonly used by a wide variety of site owners. They use keyword research tools based on the data presented. Here are some important data and are commonly used in keyword research.

  1. Search query
  2. Search Volume
  3. Traffic Potential
  4. Keyword difficulty
  5. Business Potential

I don’t recommend you to look at one data because each keyword research tool usually has different data and each one uses a different algorithm. If you are using ahrefs then the potential traffic is the metric that you should pay attention to and if you are using other keyword research tools then the search volume is the data that you should understand. Here are some keyword research tools I recommend for you

  1. Ahrefs
  2. Semurush
  3. Ubbersuggest
  4. Answer the public
  5. keywrordspeopleuse.com

There are actually still a lot of good keyword research tools out there but I can only recommend a few.

Method number #2 : Keyword Golden Ratio rule 63

I often use this method in every keyword research and the method is also quite easy. If you have found a title then use the following google dork : allintitle: “Keyword” <63 means that every keyword you type then the result must be less than 63 then you can use it as the title in the article. If it is more than 63, do not use it. Replace the keyword with the title you provided.

Method number #3 : Scamper

To be honest, this is the formula for making copy writing and this is also in product development. If you work with a product, of course you have heard this strategy often. The good news is that you can use this strategy to create an article title and article sub-heading.

  1. Substitutes : synonym : Replace keywords with word equations
  2. Combine : Query + word : combine keywords with other keywords.
  3. Adapt : Query + Temporary needs : Combine keywords with audience needs
  4. Modify : Query + Feature : Combine keywords with the products you offer
  5. Put : Change the target market : Change the target market by location, gender or others
  6. Eliminate : Narrow the query : Narrow down the keywords. If they say cat, then angora
  7. Reverse : Antonym : Use the opposite word of the keyword. if Suits for men then pants for men

With this keyword strategy you can create new article content and you will never run out of ideas to create keywords.Okay and now we move to section number three is On page SEO. keep reading.

On Page Search Engine Optimization

On-page SEO is everything related to the inside of a website but many people have their own understanding of on-page SEO. For me, there are actually 20 kinds of on-page SEO checklists that you can do, but if you are too tired of doing all of them, just understand a few such as website settings and basic SEO, then that way you are a quarter of the way to real SEO and here is an on-page SEO list that I can share with you.

  1. Main Keywords in the Title
  2. Keywords in the article URL
  3. Length of the article URL
  4. Keywords in Meta Description
  5. Keyword in sub-heading and conclusion
  6. Content Structure
  7. Unique content
  8. Reading Level
  9. Main Keywords in 50-100 Word Paragraphs
  10. Subheading
  11. LSI keyword
  12. Synonyms of Keywords
  13. outbound and internal links
  14. broken link
  15. Image Optimization
  16. Mobile Responsive
  17. Bounce Rate
  18. Content Depth
  19. Multimedia
  20. Content Updates

Okay, that has to do with on-page SEO. The next section is about link building.

Link Building

I have several techniques for link building but in this article I describe a white hat version where this link building technique does not pose any risk to your main website. All the techniques that I wrote are the result of in-depth research and about 2 years of experience in the world of the internet, especially digital marketing and here are some techniques that you can use to build links and traffic to your main website and maybe in another article I will share black hat techniques for back links so that you and I are more expert in the field of the internet, blogging and make money online.

  1. Viral Share Growth = Share article and get points
  2. Run competition and give away
  3. Building valuable resource = Magnetic Data
  4. Build community
  5. Traffic explosion Method : Repurposing and Syndication
  6. The silent link : Create A tools under sub-domain
  7. Embedded link = Dead Links
  8. Do a Favor
  9. Quick wins : Easy Break : Keyword Golden Ratio 63
  10. Long List Posts
  11. Follow Competitor : Observe Imitation Modifications

Some of the techniques above are straight lines aka white hats but sometimes you have to spend money out of your pocket to do that. okay, next we will talk about Technical Search Engine Optimization

Technical Search Engine Optimization

I will not give a technical SEO checklist here because it will make it twice as long when you read this article but I will give you some indicators for technical SEO that few people know about and here are the technical SEO :

  1. Accessibility : Is your website accessible to everyone ???
  2. Crawl-ability : Can your website be crawled by search engines like google, bing and yandex ??
  3. Content Delivery : Can your website deliver content well ?

If your site can do all three of the above then you don’t have to worry about anything about technical SEO. Technical SEO means related to all forms of technical things on your website and the three things above are the essence of technical SEO and finally 5 Things you should know about SEO with Practical Guide. thanks for keep reading and see you on another artcile on my blog smartoobiz.com

Have a nice day : Admin [azis zaenal akbar]

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