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Here are the Dangers of Consuming Fake Medicines for Health

Here are the Dangers of Consuming Fake Medicines for Health
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The circulation of counterfeit and expired drugs on the market has been increasingly rampant lately. This phenomenon not only threatens public health, but also creates distrust of the existing health system.

Many irresponsible parties try to take advantage of this situation by selling drugs that do not meet quality and safety standards. Indonesian people need to be more vigilant and careful in choosing drugs to avoid the risk of serious health problems.

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The problem of counterfeit drugs is not something to be taken lightly. Quoting from the page , counterfeit drugs can be found anywhere, from online stores to unregistered pharmacies. They may look similar to genuine drugs, but their contents can be very different and dangerous. Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to recognize counterfeit drugs and understand the dangers they pose.

Here are the Dangers of Consuming Fake Medicines for Health

Dangers of Consuming Counterfeit Drugs

  1. Ineffective

Counterfeit drugs often do not contain the active ingredients needed to treat the disease. This means that the disease suffered will not be cured, and can get worse because it does not get the right treatment.

  1. Dangerous Side Effects

Many counterfeit drugs contain unknown or unsafe chemicals. Consumption of these drugs can cause dangerous side effects, ranging from mild allergies to serious organ damage.

  1. Antibiotic Resistance

The use of counterfeit antibiotics can contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance. This occurs when bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, making infections more difficult to treat and requiring more aggressive treatment.

  1. Overdose or Underdose

Counterfeit drugs may contain inappropriate doses of active ingredients, either too high or too low. Overdose can be fatal, while doses that are too low will not be effective in treating the disease .

  1. Economic Losses

Using counterfeit drugs is not only detrimental to health but also to the economy. Patients must spend additional costs for further treatment or hospitalization due to complications caused by counterfeit drugs.

Tips on How to Recognize Counterfeit Drugs

  1. Check the Packaging

Genuine drugs usually have neat and professional packaging. Check the label, BPOM registration number, and expiration date. Avoid buying drugs with damaged, untidy, or suspicious packaging.

  1. Check the Purchase Source

Buy drugs only from trusted and officially registered pharmacies. Avoid buying drugs from unknown sources, such as online stores that do not have a good reputation.

  1. Pay attention to the price.

If the price of the drug is much cheaper than usual, this could be a sign that the drug is fake. Don’t be easily tempted by unreasonably cheap prices.

  1. Check the physical characteristics of the drug.

Counterfeit drugs may have different colors, shapes, or tastes compared to genuine drugs. If you find suspicious differences, you should consult a pharmacist or health worker.

  1. Use the official application and website.

Use the official application or website from BPOM to check the authenticity of the drug. The registered BPOM registration number can be an indicator that the drug is genuine.

Beware of Drug Offers Through Social Media: Don’t be easily fooled by drug offers through social media or instant messages. Always make sure the source of the sale is clear and trustworthy.


Consuming counterfeit drugs can have very dangerous effects on our health. Therefore, we must be more careful and vigilant in choosing drugs. Make sure to always buy drugs from trusted sources and check the authenticity of the drug before consuming it. For more information about the world of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, visit the website . This site provides various information that can help us better understand the importance of choosing safe and quality drugs. Stay healthy and always be careful in consuming medicines!

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